Cracking open the Adafruit Si5351 DDS Module

Submitted by m_sabal on Wed, 04/20/2016 - 20:44

4/13/16: I want to build a handheld 6m/10m USB transceiver for ARES field work. The tolerances required for such a job even ten years ago would have made it too expensive to be worthwhile. The proliferation of cheap direct digital synthesis (DDS) modules, along with many Youtube videos demonstrating their use, now allows radio technicians of even basic skill the chance to put together a custom radio that really shines. I chose two different DDS modules to see which one gives better results: Adafruit's Si5351 DDS module, and Analog Devices' AD9351.

Typology of the Seven Churches of Revelation

Submitted by m_sabal on Thu, 02/18/2016 - 20:50

Over time, there have been many attempts to explain the meaning behind the letters John wrote to the seven churches in Asia minor. The fact that seven congregations were selected tells us that these messages are representative of the universal church throughout the world and throughout history, with the number seven already indicating perfection and completeness in the vision of Christ. However, what are these churches representative of? John doesn't tell us directly, which has led many scholars and commentators to offer their speculations, primarily in the 20th and 21st centuries.

The Rapture

Submitted by m_sabal on Sun, 02/14/2016 - 14:02

The Rapture is definitely one of those topics that gets some heated discussion. When studying prophesy, the key point to always keep at the front is "Are you living your all for Christ today?" God gives us prophesy so we have plenty of time to repent before He delivers judgment, and so those who obey Him have a promise to hold on to.

A History of the Bible and Bible Translations

Do you remember playing the telephone game, sometimes called "Whisper down the lane"? Did anybody at the end ever have the exact same message that started at the beginning? Maybe once in a while someone would get it right, but usually it ended up being very different. Now imagine you have no computer, no internet, no typewriter, nothing but a pen, some paper, and some ink. You have a very important message you need to copy and pass along, but it has to be perfect. You finish very carefully, and compare the two documents very carefully to make sure there are no mistakes.

Memorizing the Bible

Submitted by m_sabal on Thu, 09/24/2015 - 21:16

A few years ago, Davisville Church set out with a program that would get kids memorizing 100 verses of the Bible from the time they started at 3 years of age until they graduated the elementary Sunday School or Children's Worship programs at the end of their 5th grade year. The program was ambitious and well-considered; but because the parents weren't committed to it, very few kids followed through on even a part of the program.

Where is your head?

Submitted by m_sabal on Sun, 02/20/2011 - 21:47

There have been a lot of things lately that have me scratching my head - the kind of thing that makes a person wonder what this world is coming to. Here are a few examples:

- My mother, and a number of other people besides, have commented of late just how much more hostile everybody seems to be getting, from customer service representatives on the phone to drivers on the road and everywhere in between. It seems that hardly anywhere is friendly territory anymore.